Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Go Lego Fun Speed Builders


The 9th of January was the official Jr First Lego League competition day at OMSI. William and his team (Olivier Van Hooff, Robert Young, Spencer Istook, and Elizabeth Weiler) met there, set up their display and then waited for their turn to explain it to the judges. The place was packed and they divided all the competitors into two groups. The first group went and played and the second met with the judges. Then, after lunch-break, the second group went and played and the first met with the judges. Our group did a good job. They had researched the travel involved in getting a Nintendo DS game from the factory to the store and then to someone's house. They made a nice little Lego display with a container ship, crane, delivery truck and minivan. They enjoyed telling the judges all about it. They each got a medal to take home and were all very excited to have done it.
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