Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Portland Airshow

The airshow was the second weekend of August this year. We decided not to go since the kids' attention spans are a little on the small side. Instead we went to the Friday morning meet the pilots event. It's free. You just show up at the airport and walk around and see some of the planes close up and meet some of the pilots and the parachuters. William and Anna loved it. And there were free Krispy Kremes and water. The kids got posters and cards with pictures of planes on them.

Because we no longer live in the flight path, we didn't actually see much of the show. So, Saturday afternoon we took the kids to a park near the Hillsboro Airport where they could see a lot of the action. They were really more interested in the play structures than in the airplanes, so it was a good thing we didn't buy tickets. I was kind of sad, though, that we didn't last until the blue angels. But it was hot and nap time, so we went home instead.

This was William's favorite airplane.

Couldn't get William to pose with us...

Anna actually smiled after the picture was taken, but she wouldn't smile when the camera was up.

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