Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Nature Walk

Today the sun was shining. In true Oregonian fashion, this meant we simply HAD to go outdoors. I suggested a nature walk and the kids loved the idea. We headed out to Powerlines Park and William demanded that I take the camera and take pictures of the nature things we found. Here are some of the results.

A powerline, lines of which give this park its name.

A Dandelion.

Red berries on a tree.

One of the ducks from the pond hoping for a handout but only getting his photo taken.

William in the sun by the duck pond.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I found your blog again! I'm adding you to my list so I can come visit more frequently. Congrats on the baby and I'm sorry about your foot! What is it about breaking feet and pregnancy? I can think of two others I know who have done that! :)